
Search "user:fourtwenty"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Pairing system faulty: much stronger players on regular basis#4

Seriously if there´s no way to at least check if there´s a bug somewhere I will start a new account.

Lichess Feedback - Pairing system faulty: much stronger players on regular basis#3

Im talking about pairing in tournaments. I still think is statistically significant, there is something wrong.

Lichess Feedback - Pairing system faulty: much stronger players on regular basis#1

Ok now is since a few days that the pairing system for the tournaments seems to pair me mostly with MUCH stronger players. I compete regularly on U1700 tournies and although happens of course to play …

Lichess Feedback - New training section feedback and wishes#9

I'm an avid user of the training section as well, and I have to say I preferred it much better before: I miss the Easy, Normal and Hard feature plus every time I fail a puzzle and want to retry it I n…

Game analysis - Trying out Stockfish 7 64 on Jerry - computer incredible blunders#14

Man Stockfish' own app is great, very similar in the interface to this Jerry one (which I liked) and much better for functionality. Thanks ;)

Game analysis - Trying out Stockfish 7 64 on Jerry - computer incredible blunders#11

Wrong link

Game analysis - Trying out Stockfish 7 64 on Jerry - computer incredible blunders#10

For that game I used Jerry (, a german one ;)

Game analysis - Trying out Stockfish 7 64 on Jerry - computer incredible blunders#9

Yeah must be the GUI, it's an open source / freeware one and maybe the idle that deals with the chess engine has a bug somewhere. I'll shot an email to the developer ;) Same engine on Chess X finds th…

Game analysis - Trying out Stockfish 7 64 on Jerry - computer incredible blunders#5

Nope it's not a joke... And again the chess engine was on full force. I start suspecting there is some kind of bug in the GUI or something.

Game analysis - Trying out Stockfish 7 64 on Jerry - computer incredible blunders#3

I honestly expected Stockfish to be a bit more challenging
