
Pairing system faulty: much stronger players on regular basis

Ok now is since a few days that the pairing system for the tournaments seems to pair me mostly with MUCH stronger players. I compete regularly on U1700 tournies and although happens of course to play much stronger players in the last few days the trend has become statistically significant: I get paired with mostly players from 1600 upwards or much weaker ones. Now, if the vast majority of the players has an average rating of 1500 hundred, doesn´t make sense that that category, the closer to my usual rating, seldomly gets paired with me.

I am already a lousy player enough, if I only get to play much stronger opponents my rating will keep nose diving.

Any way to fix this???

EDIT: just to give an idea, of the last 20 games played in >1500 categories, 12 were against 1600+ and another significant slice of players under 1100
Are you talking about pairing in tournaments or about single game quick-pairing in lobby?
I guess pairing in tournaments is based on the performance in that tournament rather than user rating.
Im talking about pairing in tournaments. I still think is statistically significant, there is something wrong.
Seriously if there´s no way to at least check if there´s a bug somewhere I will start a new account.
It's not a bug. In tournaments, you are paired against players with a similar standing to you, not a similar rating. Being paired up against much stronger opponents probably indicates that you are doing well in the tournaments.
This is the source for how the arena pairing works.
Maybe you should join the tournament later, then you get paired with players that did not perform so well.
If you join early, then you will get paired to stronger players who join later.

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