
Trying out Stockfish 7 64 on Jerry - computer incredible blunders

I recently downloaded Stockfish 7 and an open source chess GUI to have some fun. The chess engine is set on full force and no time limits, however I won pretty easily thanks to some incredible blunders of the computer.

How could that happen? I'm honestly surprised. Could the reason be that my computer is not powerful enough?
You mean if on a more poweful machine stockfish wouldnt drop his queen in a won position? Hard to say ;)
I honestly expected Stockfish to be a bit more challenging
This is a joke thread, right? Set "skill level" to 20 and try again
Nope it's not a joke... And again the chess engine was on full force. I start suspecting there is some kind of bug in the GUI or something.
Well on my computer, the most recent Stockfish finds the correct move (Qxf2) on move 14 immediately (which means that a lack computing power can't be the reason) and doesn't do the blunder as shown in your game. I use Arena 3.5.1. So this really does not seem to be Stockfish's fault.
You could start by telling us what GUI you used and then I am sure the Mac Guys can recommend you a good alternative (sadly I have no clue about Mac OS X).

If you still ask yourself if Stockfish is that easy to beat, take a look at your game

THIS is Stockfish (and not even at it's maximum strength)
Yeah must be the GUI, it's an open source / freeware one and maybe the idle that deals with the chess engine has a bug somewhere. I'll shot an email to the developer ;) Same engine on Chess X finds the move straight away on my computer too.

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