
I built a tool for training endgames. What do you think?

@flamehead Many thanks because I want to work on my endgame skills. I'm saving this entire thread.
@flamehead I miss the positional trainer that has been discontinued on lichess. It wasn't perfect but it was a step to the right direction. The training idea is to find several good moves and good continuation sequences in the opening stage that arise after these moves. Some of these move sequences go very deep. It is very important to be able to play the sequences very fast. Time and energy are always limited and could be used later during the game. That's when blitz tactics trainer steps in.
Pattern recognition is useful too.
You can also add checkmating in 1,2,3,4 moves blitz trainer.
@SelfmateMan Thanks for the tip on the 5-men tablebases! I'll try hooking it up

@BobC No prob, I'm glad you've found this helpful

@Tangelo777 Ah I remember that trainer. For an opening trainer, I was thinking of an idea around a board that aggregates annotations for each position out of the opening. Where you can make moves on the board and see the justifications for candidate moves and the current position. It could be community-driven content as well.

So far for learning openings, I've been finding that understanding the reasons and ideas behind opening moves makes it easier to remember the opening lines. That said I haven't tried drilling opening lines in any way either, just drills for tactics.

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