
I built a tool for training endgames. What do you think?

@Tangelo777 great idea, i added some of the positions that @SelfmateMan suggested.. might be worth having a separate section just for pawn endgames with a lot more puzzles

@supertorpe @Vinvin thanks for the links - i'm going to look through them now

currently, any positions that are black-to-play have black moving towards the top of the board, as if you were playing as black on lichess or online elsewhere
@Tangelo777 @SelfmateMan I'll up the AI level (stockfish search depth) for now so that it'll take more time, but choose better moves.

@Tangelo777 Thanks for the feedback, I'm planning to mobile optimize this when I get a chance. I've been thinking about how to make an effective trainer for remembering opening lines and the ideas behind them. Have any suggestions, or do you think this particular trainer would work well enough for openings?

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