
Rhyming Story

Never had any nerves to lose.
Feeling a bit lost without your teensieweensie rule bookie?
Did you draw nice flowers in it to make the bookie look more pretty?
(Lost? , Oh no, I think that the absence of rules is good for nobody, especially the lost ones.)
The poets poems were relevant and deep.
'Meeeh! Stoppit! Oh stoppit' shoutened the sheep.
Sould? What's a sidenote? So much to learn for a nitwit such as I.
@gaby_Groseille - Who thinks he's a killer? Killers kill, thinkers think.
Thinking you're a killer isn't a crime, whereas killing a thinker is.
Your "sidenotes" seem to have trouble speaking for themselves, in other words. I find this rather puzzling, for what preconception keeps chaining them to unintelligibility? I'm certain that it isn't me doing the presuming here.

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