
Legal Computer Assistance

i liked your proposals to have an "anything goes"-mode providing less cheaters, room to test home brew engines, try to make sense of that engine suggestion etc.

something fun would be an additional mode where u can request one engine suggestion per 10 moves played by yourself, neither knowing what line this move depends on or what the centipawn score of it is...just dreaming^^
kjf, indeed, this is used in some chess events. For instance Magnus Carlsten played in the shopping mall against a team of 3 GMs, were each one could get computer assistance but not during all game, just in 3 positions of choice during the course of the game.

Your suggestion seems good. The engine could show a ranking of 5 best moves, but just the move, nothing else. You'll only be allowed to request assistance when it does not violate this rules:

- N/A >= 10:
Your ratio of non-assisted (N) to assisted moves (A) is equal or greater than a 10-to-1.

- X <= Y + 2:
The number of moves in which you got assistance (X) must be no more then 2 counts greater than the number of moves your opponent got assistance (Y).
Interestingly enough, Lichess game analysis now has the "Show Threat" button, which could be of the basic features from the game I'm proposing.

Btw, instead of "computer assisted game" I should call it "artificial trainer aided game", namely ATAG :-)
The game proposed is not being proposed for intrinsic operations on lichess functions. The recursive solution is an artificial trainer that shoud be called the automatic chronic sanitation chess system

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