
I have an Opinion about Hans Niemann

That is why i don't like videos streams. no table of content, or index.. anything could be in there... but no you have to click to find out. I do not approve of hiding content in that way, and asking the user to make a leap and click. However i should say that is more true for tutorial or teaching purpose. And that here, the preceding text might have eased the transition, some humor expected. But not the final opinion. That is a bit too much hidden. The text gave no clue of that.

This is not about the language or humor, or multiple degree tongue in cheek. Although surprising choice here.
Putting the work on the singing though, should redeem for my concerns about the content.
@ZugAddict said in #29:
> I just wanted make some graphs and promote my latest single. I leave the deeper insights for my twitch stream.

Please let us know when the full album comes out! My pizza stock depends upon it.

Wait, a scandal has recently rocked the chess world? Also, is it possible to have opinions without sharing them on Twitter?
I did not understand the relation between the things mentioned in the graph
@Ridpar10 said in #35:
> I did not understand the relation between the things mentioned in the graph

It might help if focus your eyes as if you're staring into the distance until a 3D image appears out of the graphs.
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After Carlsen's latest statement what we clearly need are . . . more graphs and another song.