
NiveynFernando's Study

2 • NiveynFernando •
  1. Instructions
  2. Draw
  3. e4 Kings pawn
  4. Four knights game
  1. NiveynFernando

*** Chess tactics ***

2 • Kyrylokkk •
  2. ************* KNIGHTS *************
  3. KNIGHTS: a strong knight
  4. ************* MATES *************
  1. Kyrylokkk

Spenser as White

1 • EugeneGateley •
  1. 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. e3 a6 5. d5 exd5 6. Nxd5 Nxd5 7. Qxd5 d6 8. Bc4
  2. 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 O-O 8. Qd2
  3. 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. dxc5 e6 5. a3 Bxc5 6. b4 Be7 7. Bb2 f6 8. Nf3 a5 9
  4. 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. dxc5 e6 5. a3 Bxc5 6. b4 Be7 7. Nf3 Nd7 8. Bd3 a5
  1. EugeneGateley

Мат в 2 простые

9 • Misha9521 •
  1. Position 1
  2. Position 2
  3. Position 3
  4. Position 4
  1. Ivan_2016_rybchenko
  2. maximryabko
  3. gello_glib
  4. Yakov-Denisovich

Mate in One - Chess Knight Academy

4 • Sanjana_K_N •
  1. Mate in one Move - 1
  2. Mate in one Move - 2
  3. Mate in one Move - 3
  4. Mate in one Move - 4
  1. Sanjana_K_N

Special Study:The Legal's Mate,The Englund Gambit And The Fishing Pole Trap

1 • Ansh4567 •
  1. The Legal's Mate
  2. The Englund Gambit
  3. The Fishing Pole Trap
  1. Poojakanth
  2. Ansh4567

Aadhav17's Study

1 • Aadhav17 •
  1. Chapter 0
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 3
  1. Aadhav17
  2. Sriyuthish

Mate in One - HW

4 • Sanjana_K_N •
  1. Mate in one Move - 1
  2. Mate in one Move - 2
  3. Mate in one Move - 3
  4. Mate in one Move - 4
  1. Sanjana_K_N


14 • Kaashvi12345 •
    1. Kaashvi12345

    25 Mates Basicos

    94 • Profe-maxi •
    1. Mate de Anastasia
    2. Mate de Anderssen
    3. Mate Arabe
    4. Mate del pasillo
    1. Profe-maxi

    Fastest Checkmates (To impress your friends)

    8 • TastyKing •
    1. Intro
    2. Bongcloud Checkmate
    3. Fool's Mate
    4. Accelerated Fool's Mate
    1. TastyKing

    M1 Puzzles

    11 • TastyKing •
    1. Intro
    2. Level 1
    3. Level 2
    4. Level 3
    1. TastyKing

    Easons2's Study

    1 • Easons2 •
    1. fool mate
    2. scholar mate
    3. smoltered mate
    4. smothered mate pt. 2
    1. Easons2

    Puzzles To Solve

    3 • luciano1112 •
    1. ️Intro️
    2. Mate in #1
    3. Mate in #1
    4. Mate in #1
    1. luciano1112

    Bishop Mates

    2 • Patty_Melt •
    1. Double Bishop Mate
    2. Boden's Mate
    1. Patty_Melt
    2. VincentJ06

    Mate in 3 collection [Mate in X series]

    1 • ChessOlympiad2022 •
    1. Position 1
    2. Position 2
    3. Position 3
    4. Position 4
    1. ChessOlympiad2022