
Prediction Tournament

Why not have participants predict the result of every match other than their own? That seems a little awkward anyway.
Some of us will survive longer than others, and therefore, if we don't get to predict our own results, then those who last many rounds will get to predict fewer. I highly doubt anyone would throw a game or match to get their prediction right.
Zanbato is right. It will be obvious anyway if somebody is throwing games, and there's essentially no motivation anyway. If you're the kind of person who would be okay throwing games, you probably weren't going to win anyway, in which case most people would have already predicted a 6-0 loss. In that event, you get no advantage from throwing games.

Honor code is best
JannLee-vlad-sensei 6-0
allyouneedisluft-2Ap 6-0
Twelveteen-V2chess 6-0
mastertan-inocuo 6-0
chickencrossroad-MessyAnswer 6-0
xuanet-TheBayArea 6-0
opperwezen-Skeftomilos 6-0
eekarf-zanbato 6-0
saturos-Yery 6-0
blitzbullet-Flourish 6-1
Atrophied-tipau 6-2
sexy_and_i_know_it-katakamata 6-1
B0N0B0-ubdip 6-1
penguingim1-isaacly 6-0
Bugzilla-cross_online 6-1
puressence-ciw 6-1
crosky-I0euros 6-2
mathace-Salsablanca 6-1
ikaravodah-betzero 6-3
Kielileike-alkaline1 6-2
sharkmeister-GrandLapin 6-3
Lance5500-KyleLegion 6-3
FreeBee-stelmacz 6-3
chewythechewer-samuelhaupt3 6-3
RaphaelNadal-retardedplatypus123 6-4
emty-mrsjadk26 6-3
chriswsh-BrzopotezniMangup96 4-6
burpcow-Schroer 6-2
Deathmaster-recastrov 6-4
Mugwort-ReaperCrew 6-4
gekkokamen-MeneerMandje 4-6
svenos-exMOHAX 6-4
This is a very, very late entry, xuanet, but I'll accept it since I haven't yet published the match results (and it is quite clear to me that you haven't looked at the player's profiles).
yep sorry about that fischy i realized about that maybe too late!
(BTW: NP xuanet)

Note: Scores of 6+-0 count as 6-0

Also, if a player wins 6 games but decides to continue the match anyway AND loses some of the remaining games, then, for the results of the Prediction tournament, his or her score will also count as 6-0.
I also assume that the implication is that whatever the score is when the winner wins the match (be it 6-0, 6-1, etc.) will count for the purposes of the prediction tournament, even if more games are played?

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