
(Part 2) I FINALLY BEAT A GM!!!!!! (Game Study)

7 • Dylan5029 •
  1. GM carl2000 - Dylan5029 I BEAT A GM!!!!!
  1. ProgramFOX
  2. Allonautilus
  3. BOT GarboBot
  4. TheEpicKnight

(Part 1) I FINALLY BEAT A GM!!!!!! (Game Study)

25 • Dylan5029 •
  1. GM carl2000 - Dylan5029 I BEAT A GM!!!!!
  1. BlindlyZerking
  2. ChessHydra
  3. NM subham777
  4. biat

The new 7th move in the Nimzo-Indian Defense with White

7 • Dylan5029 •
  1. Introduction
  2. The move!
  1. Water_Flame
  2. Dolphin_78
  3. SirDillyMoves

Insane puzzles

50 • Dylan5029 •
  1. Introduction
  2. How pawns can be better than rooks
  3. The endgames that are of coruse hard for engines
  4. (Scenario 1) One of the most famous puzzles ever!
  1. Water_Flame
  2. FutureIsNow
  3. BOT LeelaNice
  4. SlicingBishop2006

Queen's Gambit Accepted

20 • Dylan5029 •
  1. The Basics of Queen's Gambit Accepeted
  2. The Trap
  3. The Engine
  4. 3.e4
  1. Water_Flame
  2. SlicingBishop2006
  3. themeat101
  4. GM TheCountt