
Search "user:planrbasedrv"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Take-back etiquette in a rated game#45

I generally give takebacks for obvious mouse slips. Like kf1 instead of castling. But i dislike it when a person say they had a mouse slip then plays something completely different.

Off-Topic Discussion - What is wrong with this position?#13

I think the dark squared bishop is possible but unlikely. The e-pawn could have captured on f6,g7 and promoted to a bishop on h8. Would it happen in a real game? You'd only under-promote to a bishop t…

Off-Topic Discussion - i got lucky#5

Thaaaaat's speed chess!

General Chess Discussion - How is this puzzle rated so low?#9

That puzzle is challenging if you see it all the way to the end, with the Qc3->c7 maneuver and past that.

General Chess Discussion - Do you know to checkmate with biscop and knight?#13

I learned how to do it like 25 years ago. I've never had to do it, so i'm not sure i could do it now. I also mostly play ZH nowadays, so....

General Chess Discussion - What is your favorite chess opening#22

My favorite "special" defense is the budapest gambit 1. d4 nf6 2 c4 e5(!?) I have a pretty good record with it. It's underrated, IMO. Maybe not quite as good as the semi-slav which i also play. As whi…

General Chess Discussion - How to beat the Petroff Defence?#33

@boilingFrog wow, that's correspondance? I'd feel bad missing that in blitz! Also, looks like @Fingerbang is gone. Do they boot people for naughty names?

General Chess Discussion - How to beat the Petroff Defence?#11

Oh man, going Nxe4 then back to f6 seems awful but maybe since white already went nef3-e5-f3 it's ok?
