
How to beat the Petroff Defence?

@The_Human_Paradox thank you for looking at ..nf6. It doesn't look too great, as i'd expect.

In the petroff black goes ...d6 ..d5. I think 9. ...nbd7 looks passive here as does the early be7.. I think black should be striving to get in ... nc6 and ... d5 as quickly as he can. So after white goes 6 d4 black can go 6 .. nc6 angling for an early d5. Nc6 also can help the problem bishop by trying to kick off or exchange the d3 bishop with nb4
@Fingerbang The problems with all these lines after ...Nf6 and ...d5 is that Black is essentially a tempo down on the Exchange French (White has an extra Nc3 move). Also neither can Black claim that the Knight is misplaced on c3, because you can easily re-route it to g3 via e2 and play c2-c3 if neccesary. These lines are pretty rare and for good reason. I would not recommend reaching a theoritical position a whole tempo down.
Petroff is OK if you play the classical Defence (e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4) But I see Many Players Still play the Stafford which is very bad. Those traps will only work against people who don't know the traps. But most of the people know these traps. Stafford is very risky as if your opponent plays the Correct moves you will just be down a pawn.(and ruin your pawn structure)

I recently played a game against Stafford I was completely winning but Alas, My time went out and it was a draw.
The game is

A BIG thanks to @The_Human_Paradox for making that Study "How to defeat the Stafford" It really helped me. :D

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