
How hard to become titled?

You have a good rating for 12 years. The same as me. Unlike me, you can become a GM if you're not lazy. You still have time without adult life. Because when you go to work you will not have time to study chess. You need two steps. The first is to gain rating and a Second 2200-2300 2400-2500. It all depends on you. I wish you good luck you have a good chance.
Smirnov is very expensive training. Give a link to GM Kisileva and his international chess Academy. It can be practiced in absentia. for 1000 rubles per month. To tell you how much is in dollars? It's $ 17. Suggest to try first to work out him 1 month and then decide. Like it or not.
@voronn09 Sure he is, but what I linked is a free blog article.
But what you suggested looks interesting
Even for Russia, $ 17 little money. It 10 part of my salary.
It is a tough question to answer as everybody's answer will be different.

I was a 2100(fide) player for a long time. I started playing chess when I was 13 or so and got to 2100 with just playing and analysing my games. About 12 months ago I reassessed my chess goals and decided I wanted to get better, not specifically for rating but to win a tournament.

In the last 12 months I have played and studied more than I ever did before and all I can say is it has worked. I did not have any structure or even a coach when I got interested in chess again. I bought chessbase and some books and took it from there. My current rating is 2230.

Once I started improving it motivated me further and now I am looking to try and get a routine in place and possibly even a coach. So long as you are enjoying learning chess keep doing what you are doing.

In my opinion any ambitious chess player needs to have chessbase, board and set and books to play through old master games or to learn an opening etc.
#26 That gives an idea how (crazy) long is the way to 2600 :-s
I started playing chess with 13 and as long as I was in school I played only a few tournaments. Later again there were periods where I played not at all. I became FM at age 34, when I had time to play a bit. I think I'm not a super talent, I never had a trainer, had no chessbase, no computer, no better players to play with in my club. What kind of answer are you expecting? There is no special secret. Just sit down and start working instead of playing bullet online. Solving tactics is always a good idea. If you like endgames, great, just start with the simple ones, try to solve the diagrams on your on. After some hundreds exercises, why wouldn't you improve a lot??
Good luck to all of you!
Really, I am not devoted to becoming titled (as you can probably see) but a friend of mine is a CM (candidate master) I asked him the same question, he had a simple reply, study all the topics (opening, endgame, tactics, and more) and also take any chess game between top players and try to find every reason for every move, also just a note to add to that you can make a comment for every move on the new study feature on lichess.
Good Luck!!

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