
How hard to become titled?


Good luck on becoming an athlete! (And a doctor). Any suggestions on what is the best way to use the 2-3 hours on study? (For example, should I be reading books, doing tactics ect.)


Nice ratings! I see that getting titled is obviously very hard. Anyway, any ideas of how I can get better?

Thanks for the replys all!

just work trew a book full of maybe 1000 tactics with board and sometimes without for a challenge and dont be to hasty on doing your tactics you could just do a few a day. And if you want to get better faster find the positions you play well or even better your opponent plays worse so if you become a tactical god or positional genius find a right opening, get a friend who also plays it and train together 1 is better then 2.

for books just go to they may not be the very best books, but they are easy to understand because they are just playing the games. And you are not working for 2500 rating gm, but for something more doable like 2200. dont get me wrong 2200 is also still very high.

and play a good amount of fidé tournaments 90min +30s. and then anylse your games with a master

And rome wasnt built in a day this may take a few years, but if you do reach 2200 and do get CM titel you can then see the progress you made
Well it depends on your schedule but generally you should be doing about 10-20 tactics a day and I would recommend reading Jeremy Silman's Chess Imbalances!
Could a titled player plase reply?

People who are not titled don't know how to get there.
To begin with I advise to type in the solution of tactical problems on Lichess 2500-2600 rating. This is very important, because, even Capablanca said that the debut he didn't know well. But well aware of the chess positions. Now exclude the geniuses of chess and looking at the statistics ordinary grandmasters. To 17 years a rating of 2200-2300. 20 years 2400-2500. Typically engaged with 10 years, approximately. So at least 10 years to become a grandmaster. If you are rated 2000, then about 5 years is enough. Only will have to deal with as a Kama for 12 hours a day. You have so much time? Some of the players - talents and geniuses. Some of the players - workers. You to which group? Customary international masters become grandmasters in 30 years.
I may not be titled @seanysean and many others, but I have the same chess aspirations. I learned chess when I was 15 and I am 17 now with much growth to show. I would like to become a National Master, and I understand this will be a difficult feat. What I have been doing and will do in the future to improve is as follows: tactics (chesstempo,, lichess), study games of players I enjoy (Capablanca, Kasparov, etc)...

Lastly, I want to buy some more chess books...I read "My System" at the start of the summer and saw my blitz rating go up steadily, and my standard rating (I haven't played much standard chess on this site ex: 30+ minutes). I'm looking to buy some endgame books, such as, Drovetsky's Endgame Manual, and Silman's Complete Endgame Course, opening-wise I might get Simon William's "Killer Dutch" and "Killer French"...maybe.

Best of luck to everyone on this thread, the most important part is to stay passionate and enjoy the game!
If you want books in Russian. The Dvoretsky endgame is in free electronic form. Suggest a site
I downloaded over 1000 books in English and Russian languages.

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