
Vote Chess Game

1...Nf6 Let's see what White has in mind. Keep options open. :-)
1. ... d5
Reasons for the move:
Controls the center by occupying it with at least a pawn.
Attack's the central square e4.
It frees (helps mobilize) a bishop.
Development is paramount.

Reminds me of this bot @VoteChess
Spectators would vote for moves in the chat, and the bot would play whichever move had the most votes.
Well it frees a bishop...
Permits the King to castle sooner...
But weakens the king side pawn structure.
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Nice c4 ...
It blocks the biggest pawn advance threat.
I controls the center.
Frees the Queen.
The knight b1 is now free to move behind the pawn.
So it does not hinder pawn mobility.the knigh.
@Toscani Your analysis is based on ROTs (Rules-Of-Thumb), which are fine as far as they go. Great for beginners. But there are too many exceptions to play chess well with only ROTs. 2.g3 is a prelude to many possible openings. Reti, KIA, etc.

Well, also your analysis is based on positional ideas as well. So I take back that part of my comment.

"Controls the center", I'm going to take as "attacks the center square d5". It would only be control if it truly meant that Black was denied the square.

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