
Vote Chess Game

You have a big point.
There has been since this morning 678 people that looked at the forum posts, but few looked at the study.
I might be wasting my time.
I though of creating a nice game with all the threats in color and having the best move explained. The nice part was it was not just my comment that was going to be on each move. Depending on the players that picked the person they wanted, it would have creditied lots of people making that game.
Could have even put it in a federation magazine after. Who knows.

I think we should call it a days work in progress ...

Thankyou very much for every ones inputs. It was a pleasure.

the problem with the chat is it is not as persistent, flexible and editable as in the forum. and justification and rationales won't fit. also visibility for discussion ....

well, if most people are on both sides, may we get closer to the game theory assumptions of all knowing players.

@Toscani I came a bit late to this thread (have not been able to read it all, yet). But I find that the linked study is not reflecting the process. I would like to be able to duplicate it, so that I could record as alternative move line first moves, and comment with the sets of justifications when post provides. It may make for a heavy looking move list, but annotations can be toggled. Or the comment could just be a link to the post in thread. This would allow from an easier review of the game and vote process, than having to go through the now 9 pages of posts, not all of which are about the game (which is OK, I just mean when the game is done, having a complete pair study-thread, could make it repeatable and the games comparable, or a basis for improving. e.g. next paragraph.

suggestion for modification. If participation numbers is not a problem, some threshold could be the move trigger instead of time. or a minimal pool could be defined prior to start and all the votes needed before, or anything in between. I understand that initially the least constraints make sure the first example at least gets in the air.
sorry for the space.

I did save the pgn of the study, could make my own and try the crosslinking, but maybe you already had such plan, and people could actually directly put their vote in the vote list as alternatives... maybe not feasible, but it would reduce anyone work compiling everybody elses...
another idea: first make a team, then the membership gives you an idea of the pool of motivated enough participants, that could go all the way through each experiments.

recorded in that team with longer visibility if leader does thread maintenance. And linking to past experiments elsewhere of the kind, as well as related modular topics, for each new experiment (=game instance).

can use the leader intro for the ongoing experiment study (that's visible on front page). rules in some sticky thread, editable, as the leader finds new ways, with help of members....

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