
Zhigalko Win's Yearly Hyper Bullet Arena

1. Dont advertise your blog it is not a smart thing to do

2. If you try to copy lichess, try to do a better job
It isn't GM Zhigalko Sergei's account at all.

The chats on the profile on that website indicate that this was most likely a prank. Furthermore, all those games were not even played, clearly indicating that the "tournament" was fixed and that there was mass-sandbagging.

It is also possible that it's now your testing or self-hosted copy of lichess (most probably lichess v1).
@Ben2020Tor said in #3:
> 1. Dont advertise your blog it is not a smart thing to do
> 2. If you try to copy lichess, try to do a better job
It is a false information.

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