
The new and improved story thread, ho boy!

Jerry had to run errands for his sickly aunt. The first task was to pick up the goods already packed for him at the grocery store. So he used Uber to get a ride downtown. Traffic was getting increasingly worse over the afternoon, and Jerry kept wondering what the cause could be for his cozy hometown to be overflowing with visitors.
"All these people...I wonder why they're in town." thought Jerry. Jerry was unaware that there was a covert convention of hackers in the area.... Their goal was to intercept signals from electronic devices and decode personal information.
Jerry had to run errands for his sickly aunt. The first task was to pick up the goods already packed for him at the grocery store. So he used Uber to get a ride downtown. Traffic was getting increasingly worse over the afternoon, and Jerry kept wondering what the cause could be for his cozy hometown to be overflowing with visitors.
"All these people...I wonder why they're in town." thought Jerry. Jerry was unaware that there was a covert convention of hackers in the area.... Their goal was to intercept signals from electronic devices and decode personal information; FOX News crews were going crazy over it and they too pitched in their part of clogging the already constipated streets.
Jerry had to run errands for his sickly aunt. The first task was to pick up the goods already packed for him at the grocery store. So he used Uber to get a ride downtown. Traffic was getting increasingly worse over the afternoon, and Jerry kept wondering what the cause could be for his cozy hometown to be overflowing with visitors.

"All these people...I wonder why they're in town," thought Jerry. The traffic would have made perfect sense, however, had Jerry known that a group of hackers covertly convening in an empty storefront nearby were manipulating traffic signals, so as to slow traffic down so they could intercept personal information from drivers' electronic devices.

[ I nuked a good portion of that last paragraph because it made no sense. I mean, if the streets are overflowing with traffic...that's not covert. Change it back if you think I changed too much. ]
[The act is overt --- the actors are meeting covertly; the identity of the bad actors is as yet unkown... The modification to the story is excellent]
Its no fun to write a portion of the text if the next one is gonna delete it.
I LIKE THE PREMISE ---- as oppossed to having fun with random words, this is communal liturature... I see a Nobel prize in our future...
@andonuts: Nah, I actually agree with you there ... a clandestine meeting of hacking wouldn't be aired on the news. :)

Jerry had to run errands for his sickly aunt. The first task was to pick up the goods already packed for him at the grocery store. So he used Uber to get a ride downtown. Traffic was getting increasingly worse over the afternoon, and Jerry kept wondering what the cause could be for his cozy hometown to be overflowing with visitors.

"All these people...I wonder why they're in town," thought Jerry. The traffic would have made perfect sense, however, had Jerry known that a group of hackers covertly convening in an empty storefront nearby were manipulating traffic signals, so as to slow traffic down so they could intercept personal information from drivers' electronic devices.

"What a clown act", the cab driver mumbled to himself, "these morons are really pulling it through. Couldn't even have waited till the weekend"; "Excuse me?", Jerry inquired.

@motion: But look how far it got us until now!

Imagine reading an intriguing novel and in the middle of reading it there's the sentence: "And then all the protagonists died of a heart attack." With correcting each other while contributing, we can actually reach something more valuable than incongruent gibberish; create something which is really a legit story!
Truth be told, I was a little taken aback by how eagerly people jumped onto the themes. Was hoping for something a little more subtle, but I'll take it. I have had my fair share of weird conversations with taxi drivers, let's just see how it pans out. :D
Jerry had to run errands for his sickly aunt. The first task was to pick up the goods already packed for him at the grocery store. So he used Uber to get a ride downtown. Traffic was getting increasingly worse over the afternoon, and Jerry kept wondering what the cause could be for his cozy hometown to be overflowing with visitors.

"All these people...I wonder why they're in town," thought Jerry. The traffic would have made perfect sense, however, had Jerry known that a group of hackers covertly convening in an empty storefront nearby were manipulating traffic signals, so as to slow traffic down so they could intercept personal information from drivers' electronic devices.

"What a clown act", the cab driver mumbled to himself, "these morons are really pulling it through. Couldn't even have waited till the weekend"; "Excuse me?", Jerry inquired, "Who is pulling what through?"

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