
About 100 children die in the US every year in accidental shootings

@60 Sofi --- you have got to stop!!! If you keep this up, the fragile skiff of possible love will be overwhelmed by curiosity.... That is one luck penguin!!
Sorry... tired: 'my possible love' & a 'VERY LUCKY penguin'
It's not a very important issue compared to the thousands of innocents that are killed as a result of US foreign policy, but I'm with you, chunky.

Hmm....don't get defensive over the US foreign's a complex issue...Anybody could argue the ability to dictate the price of oil is also something you wouldn't want a despot nation to why not invade a country with a dictator that was exterminating minorities if that was a bonus?
@69 white taoist

Anybody can find statistics to back up what they want to believe while totally ignoring all other statistics. A little thing called confirmation bias. I grew up in glasgow and have never fired a weapon so have never felt the need to have one. Very occasionally there is gun crime here but almost always its criminal on criminal gangsta crap. Glasgow was the murder capital of europe at one point and lots of crime, I am glad there was not easy access to guns for the idiots of the day. Not much crime here these days since certain things changed around.
I think its impossible to change USA gun situation as its in the constitution and so many people love guns. It is plainly obvious since your jails are full of as many people as a small country and the amount of gun deaths each year are massive , that gun ownership is not a positive thing. It is part of USA now , probably should not change because its as american as apple pie but whatever way you slice it, overall it is a direct cause of extra violence and death.
Sorry, anybody who thinks that citizens with firearms are among the major contributors to innocent deaths is ignoring the mass murder of the government. They want to keep you fighting with each other, shaming and blaming other slaves like yourselves, so that you don't see the real corruption going on behind the curtain of illusory groups of powerful liars and murderers.
"If we look at gun crime where more than 3 people are killed....." Words from an academic no less! Why is the guy even allowed to sit in academia? What possible reason would you have to look at the statistics over an almost 'bizarre -random (or very cleverly thought out)' threshold and you have the answer.....This guy is on the payroll of some organisation that needs to say something that is contrary to common sense.
Three - it's the magic number........For that clown anyway :D
#77 Two wrongs don't make a right and it could be argude that unless you get the rules right on your own turf, what hope have you of sorting out foreign policy?

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