
Why not add checkers too?

Im against implementing checkers in liChess.
Checkers is a different game, let it have its own liCheckers website.

I want liChess to improve towards Chess.
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Since there are different Chess Federations and Draught Federations, I believe it would be best to leave both types of games on separate websites. I like the way Lichess has evolved into a dedicated, enlightening and user-friendly website.
The genuine chess game may have evolved over time, but the changes have been slow and within reason. Therefore, there must be a reason to have added the Three-Check variant on this site. I tried that variant and discovered that it is an enjoyable and education variant for the modern chess enthusiast. It permits us to practice a special tactic called: Pseudo sacrifice.

For the passionate variant enthusiasts, read up on the variant called: Cheskers.
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@claymore: Human resources are limited, and you can spread your team too thin, I have seen it happen first hand dozens of times and even if you had a large team of developers you can still lower the quality of the original product.

This site is, in the end, developed by volunteers, whatever thibault and his team decide we'll accept (or flee lol) so we can only cast our vote, mine is against implementing other board games.
@purefan: Yes, human resources are limited indeed. Lichess is almost entirely written by one person. What this means is that any new features will take longer to be implemented. I agree being overly ambitious from the beginning could lead to none of your original objectives being completed satisfactorily, but in this case a stable base already exists.

I really don't understand why so many people are so against the idea of this variant being added (especially as opposed to other radical variants such as atomic). Thibault and thibault alone knows what he is capable of doing, and what he wants to do. But if he was prepared to add it in the distant future, I can't see that as being a bad thing.
I would personally like a site like this about checkers. It is a beautiful game, very complex and somehow underrated. But maybe something like a "licheckers" site, because it would make things confusing here, to split into checkers and chess in just one website.
#22 I thought it was possible to implement CrazyHouse. Isn't there a possibility to put an @ for "set in a piece". For example: "4.R@e2+" .
I think they should make a licheckers website just like this one except it is checkers

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