
The -500 +500 Rating Range Is Already Getting Very Annoying, Can We Please Change It?

"May Caissa have her vengeance upon you and your collaborators for destroying the greatest chess website in history."

What a quality argument bro, no wonder no one is even trying to refute any of your BS.
@jhuang Think about the fact that ignoring the arguments and being proud of it makes you a deeply despicable person. "Maybe they aren't as quality as you think" - well, for some reason nobody managed to counter them...

EDIT: #61 - picking phrases out of context, as usual. Even more trolling. I guess you never encountered a rhetorical figure and you are in a deep culture shock now.

"May Caissa have her vengeance upon you and your collaborators for destroying the greatest chess website in history."

What a quality argument bro, no wonder no one is even trying to refute any of your BS.

@jhuang #63 - already repeating yourself? How tired you have to be now! It is so straining mentally to troll!

I'm repeating what YOU said. Don't like your own words much? Very quality argument BTW.

"May Caissa have her vengeance upon you and your collaborators for destroying the greatest chess website in history."
People don't take arguments seriously, or frankly don't even want to engage with the poster when the poster uses ad-homs all the time to create a toxic environment.

Simple as that.
"May Caissa have her vengeance upon you and your collaborators for destroying the greatest chess website in history."

Wait you still didn't explain how this ad hominem is a quality argument?????

"People don't take arguments seriously" - true, but despicable. I would expect a bit more on a chess website, after all we're not discussing politics here.

"Or frankly don't even want to engage with the poster when the poster uses ad-homs all the time to create a toxic environment" - look back to the first topic about this problem, where the pro-change freaks urged me to commit suicide. I had to develop a tough shell, you know.


I explained in #62 that it was a rhetorical figure, not an argument, but you don't seem to have understood that answer, as you blindly repeated the same question in #63, #65 and #68. Says much about your mentality. Kindergarten level of trolling.

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