
Don't let normal users to be paired with cheaters when searching for an opponent (even in unrated games)

If you keep adding things to preferences, there will be hundreds of different preferences available, and we will have feature creep.

To be honest, a casual game means exactly that - casual. I'm not going to be playing my best in a casual game, nor am I going to analyse it or go over it. I will be playing casually, and assume my partner to be doing so. I only play casual to warm up, or to practice an opening and then resign. For me, in either occasion, I could not care less if my opponent is using an engine.

Also, if it's such an easy fix, feel free to produce it yourself - the github is public, after all.
I just played a casual game against a cheater. I discovered he "uses computer assistance" while the game was already in progress. I dont want to play against engines here at lichess so I would love to have the right to choose. Please thibault, at least makes the warning more prominent, not hidden behind a mouseover! Use a different color on their name! Can someone tell me if there is an official lichess position about this suggestion?
It happened again.

Please lichess, let us choose not to play against cheaters!
I have had this happen to me too. I dont want to play cheats even in casual games. Or at least give me a warning when a cheater enters the game. Sometimes I will not care if I am playing a cheat other times I will care so a warning should suffice.
> I vote for an option in the preferences to block playing against cheaters all together. +1

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