
Don't allow account names that start with "GM"

There is Lichess special title called LM which stands for Lichess Moderator. Some players have the Moderator badge and LM title. Some have only the badge or only the title. That's all I know about Lichess titles.

This is just a website. Lichess titles and ratings are not recognized in over the board tournaments. So nobody gets a free admission for international over the board chess tournaments because of Lichess performance. It's better for players to preserve their anonymity and not to reveal their real life titles anyways.
LM actually stands for Lichess Master, which is an intra-site recognition for achievements on the site. Not every mod is an LM and vice-versa. In fact, I daresay the Wenn diagram for correlation has a narrow waist.
Then the person should really get the GM title as well. So if the person's first and last name is GM GM, the title will make the name "GM GM GM". It would be really awesome!
You guys shouldn't worry so much. There are lots of GMs. There are so many that there are Celebrity Famous GMs (like Wesley So), that play only ordinary GMs and always beat them all. He showed here that LMs are amateurs and this title is meaningless and should be scrapped.
Well, I guess it doesn't REALLY matter... It's just kind of confusing and misleadig sometimes. I guess since this isn't going to be changed anyway, the discussion is kind of pointless at this point.
It's better here than the lame system of 100 free in game coins a day, more can be purchased for real money and game bets (minimum 100 per game). Trophies and titles can be purchased at store using game in-game currency. In addition facebook account is required for registration. This is what happens in
No website is perfect.

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