
what I long for in an online chess site

Pawnbreaker is the typical whinny baby crying about he alone is not treated right and the whole community is a bunch of d-bags. Well guess what PBreak ..... Its pretty much the way you describe it .... everyone is a dirt bag except you. Hmm let me see.. its either that or perhaps you are the problem with your high and mighty attitude. Chess is ruled on line by blitz players and you are right about one thing. They are the lowest of the lowest forms of life on the intranet. Sorry to break it to you but your afternoon tea party may be OVER.... 0 1 bullet isnt the high nobility that you strive for. Anyway I wish you luck and take care ... just make sure you nose doesnt catch on the door frame when you walk through it....
I would never call a player who is 1400 in bullet established and 2300 in correspondence established a cheater just because of this fact.

What I do say is that I won't play a correspondence game against such a player if I'm aware of this information.

It is my preference to play correspondence against players who have a reasonable ( not high, but reasonable ) live performance. Simple as that.

De gustibus non est disputandum.

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