
Mild trash talk


What you are essentially saying is that if you win it's OK but if you lose it's not. I think everyone can relate to that!
I can't stand the bad manners of some players. I've won my last 3 games, vs 1550's, 2/3 name call and let time run down to zero. Called me 'loser' and the other 'pathetic'. I think it's kinda funny they're hurting so badly they gotta say some shit other than ggwp.
Some of my "trash talks" of the last 24h or so:

"Chess Is Not Dead. It Just Smells Funny"

"Looks like you did some homework."

"Skunk works Lab/Area 51?"

"Slapdash and i'm under pressure."

" have the right to make one phone call..."

Most of the games i lost.

My favorite is "Got any naked pictures of your wife?... Wanna see some?" from "Mr. Baseball" featuring Thomas Selleck AKA Magnum

No use case found yet, unfortunately ;-)

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