
Lichess needs to do more about cheating!

Nobody should even take this at face value in the first place. Mods don't lie, but some malignant users do :)
@verylate said in #30:
> "A user (me but also numerous others) mentions the problems with cheating on this site."
> happens every day. so?
> "A mod <snip> mentions that I don't know what I'm talking about
> tough, but a fair assessment.
> "and asks if I even reported cheaters. He asks this knowing full well the documentation of this is not maintained. "
> if this documentation is not maintained, then it seems to me the obvious question to ask. Perhaps it should, mods wouldn't have to go begging for this information.
> "When I give an accurate number of the cheaters I encountered and reported in the past months he than says there is only one."
> so perhaps the records are being kept, but mods don't have access to them unless cleared by higher authority. Welcome to the first millennium. but taking this at face value, it seems that you have reported several players for cheating, and only one of them has been flagged.
> Perhaps you should have posted, "When I give an accurate number of the cheaters I believe I have encountered". Because there is an obvious discrepancy between what you believe and what others see. But hey,if you're so committed to your beliefs and not to what others can validate, stick to your accusations. So far, people who try very hard to catch cheaters have looked at them and found you were right exactly once, but keep at it and you might get lucky. Again. Lightning can strike twice in the same place. Shoot off a shotgun in a pubic place often enough and you're bound to hit a bad guy. And who are you to give a rat's tail about anyone you've falsely accused but hasn't cheated?

I can understand your bewilderment. But here lies the problem. I state I reported an amount of cheaters which was an accurate amount over that few past months. A mod comes along and says I reported one. This isn't about flagged. It is about actual reports. The reports aren't logged very well. And the mod that claims that I only did one is knows the records aren't kept very well. The mod was saying that I lied about my reports in order to discredit me in that conversation. In summary he lied about me by saying I lied. I think that is behavior not becoming of a mod.
@HelicoH said in #6:
> Agree 100% ! I have sent a message to the support about my last game (Ruy Lopez. Morphy Defence. Really complicated opening) and no feed back (He played the game like title guy) :
> 0 inaccuracies / 0 mistakes / 0 blunders / 9 Average centipawn loss / 97% Accuracy for my opponent.
> As usual nothing will be done (I sent severals request for 100% accuracy (25 moves and more) and nothing has been done.
> Maybe it is too complicated to fight cheating. We have to deal with it. No choice.

According to the mods, the justified reports are only 1%, and 99% are abusive.

So, don't be surprised if you obtain no result.
Cheat detection does not catch em all. That I am quite sure about. Remember that there are many immature people and kids that just cheats sometimes in chess / in life. Thats part of the world. And that part of the world / human nature is way bigger than 1 % as I see it.
An example is for instance that most of the population over the world lies a bit to others every day, some little for the most small «white» lies, while others more, to the some that lie on a pathological scale. Some cheat just once in a while when they are tilting or something. And some kids can cheat as a habbit in a period.
Well we have much to go through in this life, so I can understand that darker things can happen. But we grow and learn as we mature, while some never mature.
Just my view. I don’t really know. Maybe 99,8 % on lichess is totally fairplaying. Maybe not, as I tend to believe. But I don’t know.
@HelicoH said in #6:
> Agree 100% ! I have sent a message to the support about my last game (Ruy Lopez. Morphy Defence. Really complicated opening) and no feed back (He played the game like title guy) :
> 0 inaccuracies / 0 mistakes / 0 blunders / 9 Average centipawn loss / 97% Accuracy for my opponent.
> As usual nothing will be done (I sent severals request for 100% accuracy (25 moves and more) and nothing has been done.
> Maybe it is too complicated to fight cheating. We have to deal with it. No choice.

The account played two games in a row with 98% accuracy and then went back to the usual 'blunderfest'.
Usually the account does know nothing about opening theory.

So you are most probably right here.
Btw, even titled guys do make mistakes.
There is cheating in chess, online and even OTB, no denying that. However, the majority of people who complain about cheating are just bad losers who can't accept they have lost fair and square and want to blame someone other than themselves.
That guy who admitted cheating online, and old Magnus walked out. If it wasn't for that, I would be well on my way to the world championship by now. :-)
@Mulder90 said in #4:
> if you are <1500 it's really really easy to get frustrated. You can clearly see people changing tabs (the green dot becomes grey, then green, then they move) when they are losing and then started playing perfectly. I guess since you are >2000 in rapid you experience that much much less.

I change tabs all the time. I get bored and do two things at once. Its often why I lose, but sometimes I come back and win, and I guess you'd accuse me of cheating.

No need to worry about cheating even if it does happen once in a while. We aren't playing for money here. Just concentrate on playing better and having fun.
@C-Bear said in #9:
> All lichess ever does is deny that cheating exists. They Deny deny deny and if you have a valid claim they either just ignore it or the mods call you a liar. They simply don't care as long as thye can control the narrative that cheating doesn't exist here.

I don't think so. I have reported quite a few users and although I haven't kept detailed records, I would say probably more than half of them got banned. In my experience, Lichess does care about fair play, and the mods do a great job, and mostly in their own time for free. We should be grateful for that.
@C-Bear evidence that you’ve been called a liar?

If you can’t substantiate that claim then you have defamed this free website and the mods who oversee it.

The site doesn’t need people like you.

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