
Glory to Ukraine! Delete russian members for 2 days and support Ukrainian army!

@Alex_1987 said in #14:
> #11. again, that's what they did with their country themselves. and I am sorry, but 2 thousand protesters in 150 millions country do not impress me much, when russian army attacks Ukraine. and yes, of course, symbolic actions against russian people should be taken by civilized world to show that something went really wrong and they finally have to do something about it in their own state.

Russia is bleeding so hard from the economic sanctions, and they will continue to do so even once Putin is gone coz decades of corruption and mismanagement don’t just go away like that, even if the sanctions are lifted eventually they will already be thrown back allot. That’s why Xi Jinping pretended to be on board with the invasion at first, now he will get coal and gas cheaper from Russia as they run short of customers. The second the sanctions were passed Peking went on a 180, because the intermediary goal was accomplished: isolate Russia to re-negotiate energy deals, while not throwing off the rest of the world for too long by backing this outrageous invasion.

I know that this point of view is not a big relief when you have to pay in blood for your freedom, rather than in money. And it becomes more disturbing when you have to kill your brethren to wake up and disenchant some of the people at home who might not even have a whole lot of influence and leverage in this whole scenario.

Basically Ukraine fights not only for themselves right now, but also against the oppression of the Russian people. It’s high time „the west“ increases the support of that cause if you ask me.
@Alex_1987 said in #26:
> @brain_of_big said in #25
> Alright, you seems like an enlighten russian liberal. Please, tell us, dear friend, whom Crimea belongs to?


I'm not defending the Russian government. I'm defending the INNOCENT Russian people who are being framed for what their government is doing. There are thousands-millions of Russians who don't support the government (Google it), and people like you are blaming them for something that's not even in their control.
@brain_of_big said in #32:
> ???
> I'm not defending the Russian government. I'm defending the INNOCENT Russian people who are being framed for what their government is doing. There are thousands-millions of Russians who don't support the government (Google it), and people like you are blaming them for something that's not even in their control.

Yes-yes. But Crimea??? What is the answer???
@Alex_1987 said in #33:
> Yes-yes. But Crimea??? What is the answer???

Why does this matter? I'm just trying to clear up how innocent Russian citizens are not responsible for the acts of the government...?
#34. Of course it does! Well, I will answer for you, so you will know in future, my dear russian liberal. Crimea is currently temporarily occupied by Russia part of Ukraine. And this is recognized by international laws of civilized world. But you don't truly respect these laws with your "why does this matter?" and "innocent russian people". Talking about "innocence" you just want to avoid responsibility for the actions your country is performing. That's all. And that's why your "liberal wise words" value nothing.
OK that's enough ... Russia has NOTHING TO DO WITH LIBERAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Russia is a DICTATORSHIP ... On the other POST (Open Letter To Lichess) the author wants a TOURNAMENT for world PEACE ... I suggested Chess For Peace
@Alex_1987 said in #35:
> #34. Of course it does! Well, I will answer for you, so you will know in future, my dear russian liberal. Crimea is currently temporarily occupied by Russia part of Ukraine. And this is recognized by international laws of civilized world. But you don't truly respect these laws with your "why does this matter?" and "innocent russian people". Talking about "innocence" you just want to avoid responsibility for the actions your country is performing. That's all. And that's why your "liberal wise words" value nothing.

"dear russian liberal": still stuck on that, huh? Calling people who defend innocent Russian people who have nothing to do with the government a russian liberal? You're acting like a 50 year old man who has nothing to do all day except spew politics and call people baseless names.

"Why does this matter" --> I came here to comment on how INNOCENT (people who don't support the government's acts) shouldn't be framed for the acts of the government, not talk about Crimea. Seems you don't understand, so let me put it into a simple analogy: If I'm going to the store to only get 1 item, I'm only getting that 1 item --> If I'm going to be sharing my opinion, I'm only going to share my opinion on 1 topic.

"your country is performing", you really think I'm Russian? Far from it.
@ThunderClap said in #36:
> OK that's enough ... Russia has NOTHING TO DO WITH LIBERAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Russia is a DICTATORSHIP

Yes, sir! That is correct! But there are sometimes unbased opinions, that "some russians" are different and for some none-understandable reason they require more empathy and forgiveness. Idk, where these opinions come from...
@Alex_1987 said in #10:
> Just don't understand why the ban should be limited for two days :)
> @meedos russian president and russian state is a full responsibility of russian people. they made it by their own hands over many years. just like Germans created Hitler in the past.

Don't talk wet. Logic like this only leads to more hate and needless violence. There is obviously clear corruption in the Russian state which is the reason Putin is in charge much like Stalin he is a dictator and a dangerous man to oppose - many Russians are being arrested and beaten for protesting against this invasion. Would you put your own life and that of your family in jeopardy to protest an issue like this? I wonder...

Also the Germans didn't create Hitler the reason he came to power is from the extremely harsh sanctions brought about by the Treaty of Versailles along with the Wall street crash which started the great depression which left Germany in ruin at the time and the panic caused is why German voters turned to an extremist party. Did the German people realise just what they had voted in? Obviously not they was merely looking for the best solution to a crumbling country at the time.

However comparing this invasion to Nazi Germany is pointless as they are both very different circumstances the only link is that both Hitler and Putin are dictators.

So I disagree about banning Russians, not all Russians are bad people and for those protesting this invasion I can only say I admire them as they are putting their own lives at risk to do so which is why posts like these leave such a sour taste in my mouth.
Everyone should do what he can. Ban all russian subscribers. They support putin (99,9%).. They support war (99,9%). There are some innocent russians? May be .Regrettably. But it is war.

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