
Cheaters are Out of Control Today. Is Lichess anti cheating team on vacation today?

@knightspyb said in #42:
> and how do you know its a false premise?

It's a serious allegation. You'd better be certain you know.
Lets see if the managers of this site have a response.I copied the infomation from a blogger on and from my long experience on online chess I agree with what was written.
This so called cheat detection needs to be exposed for what it is,inadequate.
Chesscom blogger, very accurate source. (/kappa)

with 5 days and just 1 game played, you surely have great experience of how it is here.

First mistake is already that while chesscom's methods are unknown, so someone could claim they have no programs, here it is well known to everyone that we have Irwin and Kaladin.

also there was no need to spam the thread with self-quotes
There is no need for your incessant ignorant replies. You need to be muted because your annoying as hell.
@chesspawn123 said in #1:
> So far lost 16 games and won 7 today against players of similar rating. Every single game I'm getting blown off the board. Not slowly loosing some strategical game or endgame. No, completely blown off the board out of the opening or early middle game. One opponent managed to avoid M1 and follow up with 11 top engine moves to chase my king around despite an army of pawns in front of my king to deliver mate. Maybe I developed amnesia since yesterday when I was killing the pool.
> Let's see how far down the cheaters can take me. Then I will be accused of sandbagging.
Did you report them? Because lichess can't like analyse every game played on the site so you have to report if you feel suspicious.
Unlike other chess platforms of a decent standard, Lichess is free. If occasionally I get my backside kicked by a non-human player, that's life. My main query is to why those who cheat feel the need to do so.
@Cedur216 said in #24:
> @TrainingOTB define "control".
> If control is defined as ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for 99.9% of the time, as well as catching offenders sooner or later also 99.9% of the time, then I guess cheating is in pretty good control.

99.9%? How do u know the total amount of cheaters on the site?
I mean, u have to know them or u cant be certain that Lichess catches 99.9%.
Or u just talking BS again....
@Cedur216 said in #45:
> First mistake is already that while chesscom's methods are unknown, so someone could claim they have no programs
Their specific algorithms and methods aren't public knowledge, but they have had them vetted by statisticians and demonstrated them to titled players - see CEO Erik Allebest has spoken about it in a number of interviews this year (often in the context of a wider interview)

@Cedur216 said in #45:
>here it is well known to everyone that we have Irwin and Kaladin.

I'm not as familiar with the lichess cheat detection methods nor what statements they've made about it, so that's new to me and pretty interesting: so both are AI models looking for (a) play that is characteristic of chess engines, and (b) play that is uncharacteristic for the player. There are other things you can look for as well - such as whether the active window is losing focus and getting it back and the timing of moves - that could be perhaps be a part of one or either of those models. Has cheat detection on lichess always used AI? It seems to be the sort of thing that has become more powerful more recently.
Of course all this automatic cheating detections fail if the suspected player only cheats occasionally and/or possibly makes some belivable mistakes on purpose.

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