
Best way to avoid blundering ?

Also, if you can get your hands on Dan Heisman's Novice Nook articles, I highly recommend them for anyone struggling with these types of issues.
Einsamkeit : I followed you, I will challenge you anytime you can play with me

DunnoItAll I will read it for sure thank you :)

PS : I'm so bad I just missed the CAPTCHA checkmate...
Hi. I don’t read the answers that you have so apologies me if I will repeat something…
I think the best way to avoid blunders is practice, play a lot… analyses games with PC to see the mistakes that you made…
You also have to thing when a piece is move, what squares that piece a attack and defend, it’s a not easy task…
I have a more then 10 years of practice regularly in on-line chess and blunder :) .The most important lesson that you have to keep is… Try not to make the same mistake again and remember chess is not about win but about losing… all world chess champion lose games but they overcome and play again and win… Just like you

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