
Gambits explained!

Heyo! today i will give a full explanation of gambits and their uses!

Alright so what are gambits? Well, gambits are a playstyle usually in the opening where you sacrifice a piece usually a pawn to get to a trap or to give a checkmate in the opening!

alright starting off with the epic VIENNA GAMBIT!!! After you play the normal Vienna opening white starts with pawn e4 black responds with pawn e5 then white plays knight to c3 black usually plays bishop c5 but after that white plays pawn f4 sacrificing a pawn but if black does not take this free pawn, then black should respond with pawn d4 instead of taking this "free" pawn, as white you could take blacks pawn on e5 if they don't take your pawn on f4. i won't give a full explanation of the Vienna i will save that for another blog post the point of this was to give the point of the gambit.

Now we go to the QUEENS GAMBIT!!!!!! Alright after you play the queens pawn opening (pawn d4) and black responds pawn d5 then what white should do if white wants to play the queens gambit, then white should play the move pawn c4 sacrificing the pawn. if black does not take your pawn, you just take the free pawn.

Alright so these are the gambits and the explanation of them i hope you enjoyed cya!