
Bot leaders

3 members

Hello! Want to join this team? These are the following criteria for joining this team.

  1. Have played at least 5 rated games in one of five standard variants (ultra bullet, bullet, blitz, rapid and classical) in the account you want to join.

  2. Have joined this team at least from one of your bot accounts. I will check whether it is or not.

  3. Your account must not be a bot account in which you are joining.

  4. And yes, also make sure that I can message you in your lichess inbox.

Keep these 4 things in your mind and then when you're available for joining, click on 'join team', replace the default message (hello, I would like to join your team) with the name of your bot account in which you have joined this team and then click 'submit'. You will soon be joined if you followed those instructions correctly.

Friendly team (anyone can join)
Bots' team