
Search "user:stevemaughan"

9 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Incorrect Draw by Threefold repetition...#14

I was wrong. I had to list the FEN for each position but it was repeated three times. Each time it was a different piece that moved last which made it difficult to spot

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect Draw by Threefold repetition...#2

The last pawn move was 26... c6. After that there is 27...Kh6. The king moves away with 30... Kg7 and back with 31... Kh6 — but that's only repeating the position once i.e., two-fold repetition. It ne…

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect Draw by Threefold repetition...#1

I played a game and it was ended as a draw by LiChess. I believe it was only a two-fold repetition: Thoughts? Steve

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Extremely Slooooooow from 9 pm onward (US Eastern)#6

Maybe it’s my Wi-Fi. I have 1 gb fiber but it still could be the issue

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Extremely Slooooooow from 9 pm onward (US Eastern)#1

There seems to be a pattern. I’m playing on lichess just fine, then suddenly at around 9 pm in the evening everything starts to slow down. I make an instant move and it takes 20 seconds to register. O…

Lichess Feedback - iOS App Shows incorrect labels...#1

The iOS app shows incorrect labels after a computer analysis. All inaccuracies are labeled “blunders”. See this screenshot

General Chess Discussion - Use the crisis to get more people playing chess...#1

During this global crisis online chess is an ideal activity for those stuck inside, especially kids. How about encouraging friend to play chess on social media? I created a meme, "Keep Calm and Play C…

General Chess Discussion - Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence#329

One thing that has emerged from this fiasco is there is *massive* demand for a board that moves the pieces using electromagnetism. If anyone wants to develop such a product, Regium has done the market…

General Chess Discussion - How do Bullet Players Enter Moves so Quickly?#1

I'm watching the bullet games on LiChess TV. How do the players enter their moves so quickly? I'm no slouch with the mouse but there is no way I could enter moves at the speed these players do. Are th…
