
Search "user:sdsdfareg"

4 forum posts
Game analysis - See my game :) and rate it :D#6

I assumed scrolling through the game that 20. ... Nxb7 was the catastrophic move for white (white's pieces bunched on the queenside with blocked bishop plus out of place b7 knight, losing focus on the…

Lichess Feedback - New function, suggestion:#3

Top right of your profile there is an Export Games button (has a down arrow). You can also download them through the API (bulk:{username})

Game analysis - Need help analyzing these games#5

I agree with all the points by Knight04 and dnowmects. You didn't play terribly but overall too passive, putting pieces on bad squares (21. Nh5 in the 3rd game for an example not yet mentioned; always…

Game analysis - What is the point of Ba3 in this position?#2

I suppose it is trying to undermine black's center and create open lines for the bishop. The threat (if black plays something silly like b6) is Nxe5 where dxe5 Bxe7 turns white's bad b2 bishop into a …
