
Search "user:jzehner4192"

32 forum posts
Game analysis - 16.Bf4?? victorious bullet blunders!#1

I like the nice trap that emerged from my so-called blunder

General Chess Discussion - Playing a GM in a simul: how can a low-rated player prepare for that?#18

I will say that this is their repertoire according to (# of games in parentheses): With the White pieces: Queen's Pawn Game (85) A46 A41 D05 A40 D02 King's Indian (67) E62 E60 E67 E71 E…

General Chess Discussion - Playing a GM in a simul: how can a low-rated player prepare for that?#17

Thanks for all your responses! Interesting debate here: sharp/tactical vs. safe/closed... My plan was to play 1.Nf3 if white and 2. ...g6 as black, but this might give the GM too much ability to deter…

General Chess Discussion - Playing a GM in a simul: how can a low-rated player prepare for that?#1

Hi all, I am signed up to play in a simul with a GM coming to visit my town, and I just wanted to ask how should one prepare for such an event? I am far from GM, of course, and I have a 99.9999% chanc…

General Chess Discussion - Higher Rated Players#17

I am lower rated, so take what I say with a grain a salt, but a piece of advice from a chess book I got is to not simplify positions against higher rated opponents. Keep your pieces on the board as lo…

General Chess Discussion - Everyone Calls me a nerd for playing chess. Any Advice?#23

If a 13 year old kid says "Bono from U2 plays it" then you are just going to make him seem even less cool. But the fact is plenty of people play chess, even people the person calling you a nerd would …

General Chess Discussion - Unwanted message#2

For the first problem, you need to disable push notifications for The instructions for this change depending on what browser you use. For your second problem, I am not sure. These shouldn…

General Chess Discussion - Preparing for first OTB#30

@deepLA Yes, well it was the 'college section' of a state scholastic tournament. Our section was likely too small to have such divisions. In any case, even though I lost against the 1800, it was in so…

General Chess Discussion - Preparing for first OTB#27

@Sholmes49 @deepLA This was a USCF tournament. I am still unrated, but after the tournament it gave me a provisional rating R:864 Q:842 (Not sure what the R and Q stand for). After three loses and onl…

General Chess Discussion - What kind of stupid puzzle is this???#16

I don't think the puzzle should be removed, but it definitely shouldn't be rated 2000+, it is instantly solvable.
