
Search "user:b0la"

10 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Didnt get any points for a rated game#1

Hi, I didnt get any points for my victory. Did I checkmate my opponent too hard?

Lichess Feedback - Instant clock countdown during tournaments#1

The clock should start decrease instantly or within 2 seconds during tournaments. It's quite frustrating during faster tournaments when the opponent waits for 14.5 seconds before making their first mo…

Lichess Feedback - Chess insights - Add C50 Italian game#1

It would be really nice to know the opening stats for the Italian instead of checking the Giuoco, two knights etc separately. Also making the openings clickable to get to the position would be nice. K…

Lichess Feedback - Rating change during tournament gone?#1

Why is the rating change during a tournament gone? If there is something good with not showing them at least show your own change. Keep up the good work!

Lichess Feedback - New variant idea - Opening battle#1

I have an idea to improve openings two players could play n number of moves (~5-15) and after that the computer evaluates the position and the player who has the best position wins. I know there will …

Lichess Feedback - Chess insights need date filter (like suggested by others)#1

It would be really good to be able to know how I have played the past months for example. Keep up the good work!

Lichess Feedback - Patron renewal#1

I got a message from lichess that I was no longer a patron. I entered new card information within 4 minutes. I lost my patron and now it says "Patron since <today>", there should be like 10 days to re…

Lichess Feedback - Training & Board analysis moving piece behavior doesnt use setting#2

Wee! It's fixed :) Thanks! Merry christmas!

Lichess Feedback - Cheat detected?!#6

Why would cheaters use lichess to cheat? Of course they would use another program... I agree with HorseyF3, lichess analysis should be disabled during a game. I guess we have to be careful of what tab…

Lichess Feedback - Training & Board analysis moving piece behavior doesnt use setting#1

I have this setting: How do you move pieces? Drag a piece Unfortunately it doesnt work in training so once every ten puzzle I accidently move a piece. Very good work, I am happily paying for this!
