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592 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The Three Essential Chess Training Metrics You Need To Track#8

@fixedmindset said in #6: > My hot take is analyzing your own games is overrated for beginners and even some advanced beginners getting into the intermediate range. It can be even more difficult than …

Community Blog Discussions - Don’t Be A Genius#25

@BlackTiger39 said in #24: > Everything you are saying sounds very comprehensible, and I believe it is an excellent guideline which often leads to success. However, it also contradicts Emanuel Lasker'…

Lichess Feedback - Voice Commands - Not making moves?#12

How do I test this feature?

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General Chess Discussion - Why is the bishop fianchettoed in Sicilian Dragon?#24

@Kdrocks said in #23: > I know the basic idea that it is necessary to keep bishop on g7 as we already play g6. I know opening basic idea I just want to know how this will help us in the middlegame. Ag…

General Chess Discussion - Why is the bishop fianchettoed in Sicilian Dragon?#21

I don't understand this question. Why don't you tell us what is wrong with the fianchetto instead?

Lichess Feedback - Studies multiple choice#1

Is it possible to create a study that has multiple choice questions, let's say you present a position and you want them to click on a ln answer in a list of answers. But you simply want to determine i…

General Chess Discussion - Leaving blitz as of now for something else#4

Sounds like you are putting too much sentiment on your rating. Although what I would do is play in the friday classical tournaments on a regular basis if I could. I personally want to do it, the only …

General Chess Discussion - Level of play according to the number of points on Lichess Blitz#8

I think judging your level base on your blitz is highly inaccurate. Especially if you are trying to compare your online blitz to your OTB regular. I'll give you an example. There has been a lot of tim…
