
Search "user:Lygodactylus"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The pawns as shield wall: how to better emulate the medieval battle situation#7

I added the rule that only a "connected" pawn can do the push move. This is a major improvement, which makes this a very serious contender against Fide-chess.

General Chess Discussion - The pawns as shield wall: how to better emulate the medieval battle situation#6

That's the tedious standard argument. Who cares about your preferences? Kramnik, together with the AlphaZero team, has investigated these 9 variants: If Kramnik …

General Chess Discussion - The pawns as shield wall: how to better emulate the medieval battle situation#3

No, dragons won't be necessary. All that is needed to avoid that all games end in a draw (as in the last WCH between Carlsen and Caruana) is to add a new capacity to the pawn.

General Chess Discussion - The pawns as shield wall: how to better emulate the medieval battle situation#1

Pawns form a shield wall. That's why they cannot capture directly forwards, as they are blocked by a shield. Instead, they capture diagonally forwards, which was a typical method, also in the roman ar…

Lichess Feedback - Draw by insufficient material, again!#7

It is appalling and vulgar. It is against the spirit of the game. It is not fair play. Don't you have any moral sense?

Lichess Feedback - Draw by insufficient material, again!#3

This is very theoretical reasoning, because it never happens in real life. Rapid chess rules must take account of this.

Lichess Feedback - Draw by insufficient material, again!#1

I lost a game on time, although the opponent had only K+B. This is not according to rapid chess rules. Of course, having several pawns left, I could have promoted to bishop, etc., and placed them so t…

Lichess Feedback - Draw by insufficient material not implemented!#1

I lost on time when opponent had only K + B. This should be a draw. I can't play on Lichess if not the correct rules are implemented.

General Chess Discussion - AlphaZero renews chess!!#10

Stockfish did not have an opening book?? How come it played correct theory then? In that case A0 had an undue advantage, because it knew which opening lines were good, whereas Stockfish had no knowled…

General Chess Discussion - AlphaZero renews chess!!#1

Please look at these videos. It is absolutely fascinating. GMs have no other option than to learn from AlphaZero's style of play. Lygo
