
Search "user:fourtwenty"

13 forum posts
Game analysis - Trying out Stockfish 7 64 on Jerry - computer incredible blunders#1

I recently downloaded Stockfish 7 and an open source chess GUI to have some fun. The chess engine is set on full force and no time limits, however I won pretty easily thanks to some incredible blunder…

General Chess Discussion - Good chess books / magazines to reccomend#9

Thanks everybody for the replies :) I just finished doing some shopping and bought My System by Nimzowitsch, I think it will challenge me enough for now. Next read will be Pawn Power in Chess, I find …

General Chess Discussion - Good chess books / magazines to reccomend#1

Hi everybody! This is my first post in the forum, hopefully it will help me in finding good reads over chess. I've looked online for books over chess - of course the selection is almost unlimited. Wou…
