
Both sides made 0 inaccuracies and 0 mistakes

And of course a combined total of 7 blunders.

I still don't get why 11... Ke7 is bad or why 12. g4 is good...
After 12. g4 the knight is trapped. If 12... Nh6, then Bg5+. If you play f6, then exc6 gxf6 Bxh6. If you move the king onto the back rank, you get mated with Rd8#. If you move the king up, then Nd4+, Kd7, then Nf5+ and you have to sac the bishop to stop yourself from getting checkmated.
In the end, 11...Ke7 is bad because it takes away the escape square for the knight.
To be honest, I don't like 10 minute rapid games that much because I feel like it is a time control that asks for deeper analysis, but leaves you in time pressure too much.
In this case however, I saw the knight was in a awkward spot and thought for a moment it was trapped if g4 was played. However, I saw that the knight could go back to h6.... but then I recognized the pattern where the bishop comes out and checks the king, and if the king goes back, then the king is mated by the rook with assistance. I saw f6 doesn't work because it removes the defender from knight. The only option, then, for the black king is to move forward. That falls to Nd5+ and then the king moved back, then Nf5+, and now the bishop has to block the rook.
Actually, when looking back at it, the King can move back after Nf5+, though you have Nxg7+.
To be honest, I can't guarantee I can see that in a rapid game, as I spent like 5 minutes going through the variations. I would in a classical or correspondence game, however.
Honestly i would have made Ke7 as well in that position and i dont know if my opponent would find g4, bg5 idea, but i would have been clueless, i think Redscales is cheating with computer analysis and didnt find this idea himself as well:) But correct move, before Ke7, would probably be to go h7-h5 to stop g2-g4 idea.

I looked throu the game without computer comments and i cannot understand why did you play 4... Nxe4? That seems like the big blunder to me. Unless you know this opening move-by-move exactly i dont know why would you ruin your king safetly like that. Because there is no doubt in my mind that e4 pawn is not free, there is definetly compensation and i think you even have to return the pawn after few moves if white insist. Why not 4... d6 or 4... Be7, to be ready to castle of worst comes to worst?

Its like - you take a pawn, by spending another move with the knight and as a price for that pawn you open up target on e4, e5 and e8(the king) for your opponent and the worst thing is that there are any pieces except knight on c6 and pawn on d7 that can comfortably protect pawn on e5, while white has queen, rook, knight, d-pawn and bishop on b5 attack your only defender of the pawn.

Its like youre creating a tal-like position for your opponent being 2-3 tempos down.

At move 7 it seems like you have +2 evaluation, close to lost or lost position already if white plays well. I think only reason why computer doesnt agree with me, is because he finds some kind of complicated inhuman perpetual or mass exchange of pieces that black can do.
I played Ke7 once in that exact position and got slaughtered by g4. Even besides the tactical variations, playing h3just kills the knight practically speaking and you can always take the knight to destroy the pawn structure if needed

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