
getting to 2000k is pretty easy, actually

@StephenPS said in #72:
> Same thing goes to you. you might also have played games elsewhere.
whatevs we clearly aren't going anywhere
We ARE going somewhere. The thing is you are NOT new to chess.
@StephenPS said in #74:
> We ARE going somewhere. The thing is you are NOT new to chess.
????? i'm not new to chess ????? whats the deal omigosh
@thefrickouttaherelol said in #75:
> Pretty much lol. Troll account. When was the last time your accounts were banned / deleted?
ur a liberal arent you talking about how labels dont define us yet brand others as trolls
I want to hit 2000 rating,, it is my dream but I am so scared I will fall. my rating is at peak 1581 and i am scared that if i play more i will drop and i will never get 2000. 2000 is very hard rating to get and stuff so it is important that we need to respect the people, every people in fact and respect what skill level they are at.. and there are tips that work and are different for everyone,,,
@filthiesteote said in #57:
> today, i give myself 5 hours to get to 2000, if i don't i will rescind all my previous statements and issue a heartfelt apology :)

Um... Heartfelt apology when?
@filthiesteote said in #57:
> today, i give myself 5 hours to get to 2000, if i don't i will rescind all my previous statements and issue a heartfelt apology :)
One of the defining traits of trolls is the inability to follow up on promises and statements :)
@mintly said in #79:
> I want to hit 2000 rating,, it is my dream but I am so scared I will fall. my rating is at peak 1581 and i am scared that if i play more i will drop and i will never get 2000. 2000 is very hard rating to get and stuff so it is important that we need to respect the people, every people in fact and respect what skill level they are at.. and there are tips that work and are different for everyone,,,
YOURE not thinking big enough, you seem to love grovelling

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