
Which coding language is used while creating

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Most Websites Use HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), JS (JaveScript)
Mainly I Only Use These With Some Firebase And Bootstrap Classes With Images As Attachments...
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To explain there are two parts to most web applications:
- The server (or 'back-end' - because you do not see it). This connects you to the actual webapp and handles things like accounts and so on. For Lichess, this is mostly written in the Scala language, specifically in a functional style.
- The front-end (this is what users interact with). Like all websites it's laid out with HTML and CSS. There are not programming languages, but they are a type of 'markup' (page layout) code.
For interactive elements like the chessboard, updating the user list, etc - the language of JavaScript is used. Lichess specifically uses TypeScript. Without getting technical, JavaScript can be difficult/unpleasant to work with. TypeScript is a separate language that mimics JavaScript in some ways, but also allows for a different style of programming (the main features being functional, and static typing; Lichess code emphasises both). TypeScript 'compiles' to JavaScript, so you can run it in the browser. But there is some pure JavaScript there too.

These are not the only ones. Some components are written in other languages for various reasons (e.g. Rust, C++ which are both very high-performance, but hard to work with), but the short answer is that Lichess is mostly Scala on the back-end, and TypeScript on the front-end.

I hope this helps! As for what's best, it really depends on what you are trying to do. But all these languages are general-purpose and they have lots of documentation.
Well, I use Python to code and I am still learning it (12th grade).

Never heard about Scala!
HTML, CSS, JavaScript I think like most websites. though majorly coded in Scala followed by Typescript, Rust, C++, Python, JavaScript, Java.

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