
A post-mortem of the 2020 Candidates Tournament

A small error, the news actually broke earlier than 10am that morning. The BBC broke the news at 9am giving us 15 hours to get out. FIDE were contacting us minutes after the news broke about getting us out. I, like many others had to overnight somewhere in Europe before travelling on. In my case, the journey home took over 40 hours due to lack of flights and trains. At all stages, FIDE were in contact with me in case I got into difficulties and I cannot praise the FIDE Staff highly enough for their help and assistance.
It says 10am local time, implying it was 10am when the news broke in Ekaterinburg. The article doesn't seem to be sledging FIDE so much for when the fecal matter hit the fan, but more for it going ahead, ignoring what the rest of the world was doing and saying, and being part of a plot to remove the tournament director.
I would like to make an interpretive point about the caption you posted. Hobbes did not have a pessimistic outlook on human nature. The state of war which Hobbes imputed to the State of Nature does not arise from vice or any other evil found in man's character, but rather it is simply what results when fully rational, self-interested individuals compete for resources under conditions of scarcity. His understanding of human nature as rationally egoistic is not a negative or pessimistic conception of human nature, nor should his derivation of the state of war from those features be understood as a condemnation or criticism of that nature.
What a well-written and deep article. Lichess is an endless source of amazement.

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