
What do you think ?

Why is there no mixed Championship in chess between Woman and Man ?

An ultimate Mixed Fide-title ?
Because currently the strongest woman chess player, Hou Yifan, is only ranked #83 in the world. She is also the only woman in the top 100. Now, don't get me wrong, this is an extremely amazing result, and 95% of chess players wouldn't be able to achieve this, man or woman. But the chances of her winning this would be small compared to some others like Magnus, Caruana etc.
The world chess championship is an open competition, so it is mixed.
In 2005 Judit Polgar participated in the world chess championship. It is possible there just hasn't been a woman to reach the top ten since.
In 2005 Judit Polgar participated in the world chess championship. It is possible there just hasn't been a woman to reach the top ten since.
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