
Suggestion : Daily playing limit


First of all, Lichess is one of my favorite websites (not just chess website) so congratulations for it.

However I find blitz to be extremely addictive. The worst thing is I don't even like blitz, but when I start playing it, it is just very hard to stop. And this stops me from coming here more often. Just this week end, I spent most of my time here and it is way too much.

So I have a suggestion. Could it be possible to implement an option to limit the time we spend playing, or the number of games we play per day ?

I don't know about the specifics of it (should it be the same for blitz, classical, correspondence and tournaments for instance ? or for every day of the week ?) but I think that if I could set myself a limit of an hour and a half per day for instance, I would come here more often as I would not be afraid to fall into a rabbit's hole and I would play in a more healthy way.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one in this case and it may help a lot of people.

Thank you
Whoa that's actually a really great idea. I mean, I'm not sure if lichess is interested in implementing this as more active players benefit the platform... On the other hand it's non-profit anyway, so it might as well do it. I for one would love to have this feature as most of my rating-losses happen when I play the 3rd hour straight and just can't stop. I definitely get where you're coming from.
Might work if you don't get enough temptated to register a dupe or move to another server.

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