
What does it take to go from 1900 to 2400. I am not a prodigy.

You already have a strong rating for your age congrats! I'm assuming you mean getting to 2400 in longer t/c? puzzles, puzzles, puzzles and did i say puzzles? (decent middle/end game puzzles) narrowing down just a handful of openings that you can become a expert at for both colors to get you to a decent middle game without hesitation @ not spending all your time trying to remember all 1300+ openings/variants. I like comparing end games to golf "you can drive for show and putt for dough!". Same with this game you can show off all the openings you know, but if you don't have the talent to finish the show with good end game talent then rating won't go up! imo! If you're talking about getting to 2400 in bullet well... buy a good mouse! Good luck to you!
It takes smart hardwork and proper time investment to reach 2400 from 1900
1900 means you are the cool kid in class
2400 means you are the coolest kid in class
If you're 14 and already 1900, then I actually belief you can get to 2400 with hard work. I don't know the statistics of IM ratings versus age, but no way you reached your ceiling.
You could read today's newspaper to check your luck.😂😂
Hardwork is the only thing which will help you.
You already have 2100+ Classical rating on Lichess. Nice !
I'm not 2400+ rated myself (My FIDE rating peak was 2100+) so maybe I should be silent, but I'd like to suggest in your case to get a chess coach. That does not have to be a coach with a rating much higher than 2400+ (IM Dvoretsky is an example who was a coach for GM elects and GMs) but a coach that you like to work with and shows real interest in your chess improvement.
If money is an issue, there are lots of cheap coaches (Check the coach section in the Lichess menu, there are lots of coaches who ask just $10 an hour), so you can just try them and see how it goes.
Regarding books, I think that "Pump up your rating" by Axel Smith would be good to study with. Interesting topics, exercises. Written by an IM who is now GM. Also, the Yusupov and Dvoretsky books would apply.
Also for tactic puzzles : chesstempo is imho the best.

G:L &* HF !
I've never been there but I can imagine that being above 2000 requires:
- good memory (remember hundreds of patterns, openings, traps, ideas, plans, master's games, endgame key positions, and so on)
- concentration (don't overlook threats, avoid blunders, remember your plans, stay focused no matter what)
- imagination (find tactics, plans, look for a way to turn the bad position into good)
- visualization (see the position after a few moves clearly and effortlessly)
- fast and efficient thinking (find strong moves quickly, use all your knowledge)
- persistence (train even for years if little or no progress is visible)

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