
Tips to improve?

You have to check more carefully the computer analysis to see your opening movements. They don't show at all your rating values, they are sometimes really weak and under 1600 player thinking.
I agree with #2, you are really weak controlling the opening game.

Check the movements in the computer, and even if they are not mistakes or inaccuracies, see the centipawn diference and think WHY is that happening.
When you make one opening movement which change lets say 0.5 to 0.8, that's not enought significant to computer see it. But you check it, and think why is that little diference happening.
I agree with stractic you need to understand and practice the opening. Most of your game with black begin with an alekhine defense (very very hard to play ). If you evolve your chess opening you will progress for sure
I also notice that you tend to move your pawns forward, no matter if that weakens your position. This b5-b4 and g5-g4 stuff is quite dubious. Maybe you are in an overly aggressive state of mind or you just haven't fallen victim to a painful over the board loss in a game where you weakened your position too much.

About game 1:
Drop this opening, it's terrible. And you play on after Bc8, really?
Game 2: It seems like you attack pieces randomly without thinking whether the attacked pieces can a) move away b) attack your pieces or c)interpose something. After Qb4? white could have simply played a3! (because Qxb2 Na4, common trap) and you basically lose a tempo.
Nd5: That's a 1 move threat. Bd2 and you've got some problems to deal with. Also, don't move pieces around the board just to exchange them
Bg4: again attacking a piece, but losing a tempo after Ne5!
Qd6: The queen is on a peculiar journey.
I don't know what Rd8 is for. Ne5 and installing an outpost on e5 was the threat, so Bxf3 would have been an idea.
And then you play for tricks and trap your own queen, that's unfortunate.

And I think we see those pattern in the other games as well.

Sorry, when I sound a little harsh, but I'm really not thrilled about some moves in those games and you're asking for advice, so I'm trying to point out mistakes that may be typical for you.

Concerning the openings you play, I don't think that the Alekhine's Defense is the right thing for you atm. The strategy of this opening is based on the idea that white weakens squares in his position when advancing so far with his pawns. Since you do that yourself quite a lot, I don't think you should play that.

In order to improve, do the following things:
1. Join the chess club (if you haven't already) and play tourneys and or team matches on a regular basis to get experience over the board
2. analyze those games
3. get yourself chessbooks about strategy like "Nimzowitsch my system"
4. Look at grandmaster games and since you're hustling a lot in your games, I suggest you look at games from Anatoly Karpov in order to get a positional understanding and see calm but strong play.
5. Do say 20-30 mins of tactics every day.
That should be sufficient to bring you further.

Playing longer time control so that you can start thinking. From what I have seen you are using only your intuition and a mouse.
Take your time, look at the positions from different angles,you can switch the point of view and ask yourself what would your opponent hate to see the most. There you dont need to have any construct plan, just damage whatever he is trying to accomplish.( This is a negative attitude )
Or build your own plan, the better idea will win ( positive attitude ). Imagine where would you like to see your pieces and then find a way how to accomplish it.
I see your rating for bullet is much better ( impressive difference )than your long rated games which is basically saying to me that you are just moving with your pieces very fast. You hadnt resigned even though you were a clear rook down. Just slow down and play chess.

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