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Was a nice tournament. Someone attacked LiChess at the start. Thibault fixed it as fast as possible.

Some players were upset. I was hoping myself Hambleton would finish the tournament but he withdraw after the 5 minute downtime.
Great tournaments - lots of fun to play!

A few ideas for future tournaments

Ultimate chess(all variants in random bullet and blitz format). Not sure if it would be possible to code!?

Blitz tournament with qualifying tournaments with the final being a round robin. Gives time to disqualify anyone for cheating and final would ensure big viewers as you would imagine many strong players would win the qualifiers. Maybe give a wild card to some popular streamers to maximise viewers.
I just had a session with Thibault and proposed the ultimate chess idea and that's not possible at the moment.

There are some big things coming, still need to get all people on board.
ChessWhiz Cup IV was a fantastic event. The official stream recording is now uploaded to YouTube:

Big thanks to everyone who participated.

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