
Correspondence Stats

I know correspondence doesn't really get much attention here, but I've noticed the highest rating doesn't update too quickly. For example, I have a 2102 rating, but it says my highest rating in my correspondence statistics is 2085. Does anyone know the frequency that these are updated?
Correspondence gets all the attention. I'll look into that bug.
Correspondence ratings are just too complicated. Imagine you're playing 12 games, and your rating is 2000. You lose a game, get -10, so 1990. But in the other games, under your username it's always the same rating, 2000. Strangely, check your games and you'll see that you have different ratings in some of the games.
I have similar problem with my personal Blitz Chess Insights. It stucks at played 81 moves in its average centipawn loss calculation but I played 100 games so there definetly have to be showed up more moves?
I noticed the same in my correspondence stats. If you look at the graph on my profile you can see that my highest rating was 2144 and my lowest was 1833. If you click to see the stats it shows 1993 as both my highest and lowest rating in correspondence.

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