
Contribute my piece design

The rule in software engineering is:
Its better 1 person does the hard work once and everyone benefits from it; Rather than everyone having to do a hack.

btw in this case its also less work to just add a standardized size set of jpgs to a folder and have it show up as a theme.

I dont know why you guys are going out of the way to make this complex?
That is what we are trying to tell you. Create a user style of those. And let us benefits from it !
Still disagree with you guys though--this is not the way to do it.
Isnt it easier to just drop a bunch of svg/png files into a folder on the server; and every folder is a theme?

This way everyone already has access, without installing plugins, it doesnt need external hosting, etc
Thanks, I just noticed that some pieces render slowly.

Benevolent dictator >> @thibault doesn't add user defined style to lichess. Because the number of them are huge. There are more than thousand of them. So that addon is a good solution.
Knights and bishops are too similar I think. There is risk for confusing.

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